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The Esther Generation

Mentorship ~ Ministry ~Missions

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Our Mission

The mission of T.E.G is to equip, embolden, and empower young women, of
diverse ages to embrace their God-given purpose and identity utilizing Biblical
principles and precepts with an emphasis on developing Christian character,
conviction, values, and behaviors.

Our Vision

The vision of T.E.G. is to respond to the spiritual and social needs of young
women within our church and community by providing Christ-centered teachings,
programs, activities, and events that facilitate the formation of faith in Christ; the
expression of faith through words, actions and deeds; and the implementation of
individual talents in ministries and programs in an effort to revolutionize the
culture with a message of redemption, hope, love, and service.

Target Demographic:

​Target Demographic
All demographics, diverse cultures, ethnicities, and denominations
Grades 3-5: Charity Cohen
Grades 6-8: Amari Bowe
Grades 9-12: Caitlyn Fontaine
Ages 19-25: Chrystal Buckrham


-To facilitate and foster the development of a life-long relationship within the lives of young women, and the execution of the God-ordained
purpose for which they were created.


-To assist young women in unapologetically embracing the concept of being different and distinct in adherence to their faith and convictions.


-To cultivate the necessity of making wise decisions, remaining goal oriented, and fulfilling spiritual, personal, and social obligations. 


-To equip young women with the spiritual and social components necessary to serve and positively impact their communities, schools, relationships,
churches, and culture.

Discipling our Daughters: 

Instructional Classes: For targeted ages utilizing an organized biblical curriculum. (i.e., Sunday School topical format with follow-up study questions, interactive involvement, probing/ research based criteria) (2 Tim 2:15; Psa 119:9; Heb 4:12; Josh 1:8)

Monthly Prayer: A designated time where young women gather to develop and establish personal and intercessory prayer patterns to foster consistent and effective prayer lives. (1 Thess 5:17; Luke 11:9; 2 Chron 7:14; Luke 18:1)

Quarterly Gatherings with Thematic Focus:


Identification and Implementation of one’s Purpose: Who Am I? (i.e., Jeremiah 1:5; Jeremiah 29:11; Esther 4:14)

Admonition to Biblical Purity:  A celebration of God’s preservation and restoration via abstinence/purity ceremonies to propel, promote, and exhort the concept of sexual purity in accordance with biblical standards: (i.e., Rom 12:1; Col 3:5, 2 Tim 2:21-22; 1 Pet 2:9)

Etiquette: Enhancement/awareness of decorum, dignity, personal conduct, and interpersonal skills (i.e., 1 Cor 14:40; 1 Pet 3:4; 1 Thess 5:22)

Modesty Matters: Personal Presentation/The Power of a Woman’s Image (i.e., 1 Tim 2:9; Gal 5:22-23; Rom 12:2; Prov 11:22)

Education: Establishing STG/LTG re: academic achievement, collegiate/ trade opportunities, scholarships, entrepreneurship, career trajectories, early money management (i.e., Prov 18:15)

Mental Health: Utilization of professionals to address the following: bullying, teen suicide, peer pressure, depression, physical/ mental/ verbal abuse, sex trafficking, etc. (i.e., assisting girls and caregivers in identifying, addressing, and rectifying the
aforementioned subjects)


Self Esteem: Edification to acquire and maintain an overall healthy self-image; self-esteem; self-care; self-worth (i.e., Psa 139:14)

Domestication: (Possibly facilitated by/ in conjunction with volunteers): health and hygiene, household cleaning, food preparation/ meal planning, budgeting, impartation of godly wisdom from elder women reflective of biblical mores, etc. (i.e., Tit 2:3-5)

Service Initiatives, Community Involvement:

- Convalescent Centers
- Female Teen Shelters/ Group Homes
- Battered Women’s Shelter (ages 18 and over)
- Prison Ministry (ages 18 and over) 
- Orphanages
- Pediatric Hospitals
- Urban Ministries 
- Open Door Outreach Shelter
- Community Clean-up
- Assisting elderly/ incapacitated individuals with ADL’s, etc. (Matt 25:40)
- Participation in church auxiliary of individual’s choosing (i.e., usher, greeter, media)
- Habitat for Humanity: Partner with local organization to assist with building homes for deserving families
- Tutorial Program: Offer free tutoring to academically challenged students (i.e., disseminate literature to local schools re: free tutoring)
- Adopt a school: Provide meals, cookies, gift baskets and other treats in the teachers’ lounge at an area school during faculty lunch times with a note of gratitude.
- Collegiate Care: Establish a presence on the campus of NC A&T SU, Greensboro College (i.e., attend chapel night, disseminate Christian
literature amongst college students, etc.)
- C3: Christ, College, Conversation: Provide a Christ-centered haven for students at local colleges to converse and fellowship with individuals of like faith addressing relevant subject matters from a biblical perspective, engage in fellowship.

Recreational Activities

Excursions/Activities to enhance spiritual, social, educational, cultural, and personal growth:

- Museums
- Smithsonian's
- Plays 

- College Visitations/ Career Fairs
- Seminars, One-day conferences, Age-related lectures 
- Out of state visitations (i.e., Washington, D.C., Memphis, Tennessee,
Atlanta, Georgia, New York City, Philadelphia, Pa., etc.)
- Equestrian Parks

- Symphony/ Opera
- Skating, Bowling, Painting, Sculpting, DIY Activities, Jewelry Making, Etc.
- Book Clubs
- Health and Wellness Activities
- Girls’ Lock-In

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